About three years ago, Albany and I were shopping at Old Navy. As we were talking she asked when she was going to get a little sister. I had to explain that I didn’t know, but I hoped soon. Albany told me we needed to pray about it. I told her we would. She stopped in the middle of the little girl’s section, placed her hand on me and began praying for a little sister. There was a part of me that was slightly embarrassed she was praying in the middle of the store. There was a larger part of me that was so floored by her faith. When she said “amen,” she turned to me and said we needed to buy something for her little sister. I hesitated, trying to explain we could get something once her sister was here. Albany sighed and explained, “Mommy, she will need something when she gets here.”
I directed her to the clearance section and she found a little, pink shirt with Rapunzel on it. I asked her if she thought maybe we should get something smaller. She declared the shirt she picked out was perfect and we headed towards check out.
We prayed and tried to get pregnant for a year. As we prayed during the next year, we began feeling the pull towards adoption. We took the classes and got licensed. Then we waited another year before finally receiving the call.
I love these kids. They feel like our kids. We are adjusting well. Albany is doing incredible. We’ve had some little bickering and a few hurt feelings, but she seems to take it in stride. For the most part, it is natural sibling stuff. Little Man is a lot like Albany. He is a very loving child and has such a sweet spirit. He is more introverted than Albany, but also a little more rambunctious. He loves lots of snuggles, especially from his Mommy.
Sassy is a challenge. She has some massive temper tantrums and can be downright defiant. Just this morning, it was a struggle to get her to sit in her seat and finish her breakfast instead of skipping around the house, directing everyone else on what they should be doing. She will be a great leader if we can guide her the right direction. Please don't get me wrong. I am so glad she is here and I love her dearly. She is also so loving, hilarious, and LOVES to help out around the house. It's just that adjusting to Sassy's needs can be very difficult at times.
This morning as I was pulling jackets out of the playroom closet so the kids can head to school on this chilly day, I noticed the shirt we bought three years ago stuffed into the closet. I pulled it out and showed Andrew as he entered the room. Over the years I have almost given the shirt away to friends who have little girls. Something has always held me back.
Even though Sassy is 5, she wears a 3T. Her favorite movie besides Frozen? Tangled.
This morning as I showed Andrew the 3T, Rapunzel shirt, I was reminded of that moment in Old Navy. I realized that Sassy is the little sister Albany and I prayed for 3 years ago. She is the one we have been praying for the past 3 years. She is supposed to be a part of our family. We never even considered having a boy, but God blessed us with Little Man, too. And on the days where I feel weary or overwhelmed or frustrated, I want to remember this moment. I want to remember that God has a plan for all of this and that we get to be a part of these children’s restoration story. I want to remember that Sassy is the one we have prayed for and that God answered and blessed us abundantly.